Delphi Consensus-Building Processes

Delphi Consensus-Building on the Impetus InSite Platform® is a structured method designed to harness expert opinions and reach consensus on complex issues within the medical and pharmaceutical fields. Utilizing a series of iterative questionnaires, combined with controlled feedback, this method and our unique tools facilitate comprehensive understanding and agreement among diverse expert groups, without the need for face-to-face discussions.

Features, Benefits, and How Our Clients Use This…

  • Creation of clinical guidelines
  • Creation of market access strategies
  • Reaching consensus on R&D priorities, real-world data, or complex treatment sequencing/diagnostic workup algorithms
  • Co-development of clinical trial protocols, including appropriate safety and efficacy endpoints
  • Publication planning and co-development
  • Patient and HCP insight-gathering on unmet needs
  • Standardization of patient-reported outcome measures
  • Development of surveys and questionnaires
  • Forecasting of clinical or regulatory trends, and preparation of consensus-driven responses to upcoming regulatory changes or challenges

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