Online Investigator Meetings: A Customer Story

Our client leveraged Impetus Digital’s virtual solutions to hold a series of investigator meetings and streamline their multicenter Phase III clinical trial. Using a mix of synchronous and asynchronous virtual touchpoints, as well as an online Investigator Community Board, Impetus facilitated ongoing collaboration, best practice-sharing, and problem-solving, along with comprehensive training on the trial protocol and regulatory considerations.

This strategic approach not only enhanced the efficiency of the clinical trial by improving communication between investigators and trial sites but also led to significant cost-savings and faster patient recruitment. Download the customer story below to get the details, or request the extended version by emailing us at

About Impetus Digital

Impetus Digital helps life science organizations virtualize their in-person meetings and events through our best-in-class InSite Touchpoints™ and InSite Events™ offerings, delivered with white-glove service and 360° coverage and care. Leveraging our large portfolio of cutting-edge online collaboration tools, clients can seamlessly gather insights from, and collaborate with, internal and external stakeholders. To find out more about Impetus Digital, visit our website, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter, or book a demo at
