Meet the Impetus Green Team

Impetus Team


With Earth Week 2023 just around the corner, we thought it was time to officially introduce the award-winning team working behind the scenes to organize our annual Earth Week celebrations and many other sustainability initiatives! Along with diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI), sustainability is one of Impetus Digital’s key focus areas. We’re so proud of how far we’ve come since starting our journey in 2020.

Meet our Green Team Members!

Cecilia Petrus, Communications Director & Green Team Leader

Cecilia Petrus, Communications DirectorIn 2019, Cecilia pitched an article idea to our Co-founder & CEO Natalie Yeadon, not knowing that it would set off an internal chain reaction. The article in question was called “Why Pharma needs to care about global warming,” and turned out to be one of our most shared and commented-on articles to date. Backed by an obvious interest in sustainability among our life science clients and the resulting buy-in from leadership, she founded the Impetus Digital Green Team in 2020. Since then, the team has established valuable partnerships with the Green Business Bureau and Tree Canada, planted well over 1800 trees across Canada, hosted annual Earth Week celebrations, and educated our team and followers on various sustainability issues.

I’m so thankful for the support from our Co-founders and CEOs. They have given me and the Impetus Green Team complete freedom to pursue a variety of sustainability projects and they understand the importance and urgency of making the company carbon-neutral. It still blows my mind how much our team has been able to achieve in only 2.5 years. I’m hoping that by sharing our progress and writing about ways that organizations and individuals can fight the climate crisis, we can inspire others to start their own sustainability journey. I’m a big believer that no one can do everything, but if everyone did something, we can make a real difference; the Impetus Digital Green Team is proof of that.”

Kirsti Heitz, Marketing Director

Kirsti Heitz, Impetus Digital Green Team MemberKirsti sits on both our DEI committee and Green Team and is an essential member of Impetus’ Marketing team. She wears many different hats and is responsible for everything from our website, demo portals, Google ads, social media posts, and much more. When asked why she wanted to join the Green Team, she said:

“I was inspired to join the Green Team because of Cecilia, the mastermind behind this initiative. Her efforts towards achieving the company’s carbon neutrality and her dedication towards developing green initiatives within our company made me feel like she was making a huge difference, and she inspired me to do the same! I’ve always been conscientious of reducing waste, recycling, and doing my small part for environmental sustainability. When Cecilia organized a team to brainstorm, develop, and push sustainability within our company, I thought that this was the perfect place to make my small contributions count towards something bigger. I’m so proud of our team and everything we have achieved!”

Holly Lam, Senior Digital Solutions Specialist

Holly Lam, Impetus Digital Green Team MemberHolly is known as Impetus’ creative genius and UX specialist. She has also played a huge role in the company’s success by mentoring several newly hired Digital Solutions Specialists and Account Directors over the last few years. When she is not creating beautiful brochures, programming flawless online portals, or making sure that our clients’ hybrid or web meetings run smoothly, she is passionate about reducing her and her loved ones’ environmental footprint.

“In recent years, I’ve become more and more aware of the waste created by society (e.g., single-use plastics, the rise of fast fashion, etc.) and how that has impacted our environment. This made me reflect on my own actions and pushed me to reduce my carbon footprint. Joining the Green Team has educated, encouraged, and inspired me to do my part, and I hope to share what I’ve learned here with my family and friends.”

Alyssia Grant, VP of Operations

Alyssia Grant, Impetus Digital Green Team MemberOther than our co-founders, there is probably no one who knows as much about the ins and outs of Impetus as Alyssia! She literally does it all and we’re very lucky to have her support the Green Team’s mission.

“I joined the Green Team at Impetus Digital because I want to be part of the solution, not the problem. Every small action or effort we take to be eco-friendly and sustainable is important. I hope that the work we do today makes for a better tomorrow as we only have one earth and we need to be kind to it. It desperately needs our attention and it’s worth fighting for! One program we run in the Green Team here at Impetus Digital is planting trees for our employee’s milestones such as birthdays or work anniversaries. I think this is a great way to celebrate our employees and give back to our planet. I am looking forward to continuing this program and looking for ways we can add more programs to our daily routines and celebrations.”

Dan Wells, Senior Digital Solutions Specialist

Dan Wells, Impetus Digital Green Team MemberDan is the team’s tech/digital/cybersecurity expert, among many, many, many other things. He brings an amazing sense of humor and a can-do attitude, and displays all of our company values on a daily basis. Impetus would definitely not be the same without him! Speaking about his work on the Green Team, he shared the following:

“I am deeply proud and daily inspired that Impetus so fully supports the (employee-led!) Green Team in its efforts to educate and engage our team members to share knowledge and contribute to the betterment of our planet. It is a privilege to work every day for a company steadfast in its drive toward carbon neutrality by 2030, and that lives that value so fully; from our company’s annual Earth Week challenge which rewards employees for engaging each other in knowledge sharing and environmental initiatives, to the literally hundreds of trees we have planted just in the last couple of years now.”

Linda Perfetto, VP of Client Services / Account Director

Linda Perfetto, Impetus Digital Green Team MemberLast but definitely not least, Linda is Impetus’ most experienced Account Director and now also (very deservingly) our VP of Client Services. Despite her busy schedule, she always finds the time for Green Team initiatives and is usually the first to forward interesting articles and stats to the rest of the team or to review any related write-ups.

“I am proud to work for a company that takes sustainability so seriously and that is actively working towards carbon neutrality through a variety of initiatives. Being a small company, it is pretty amazing to think that we have planted more than 1000 trees and are working hard to reduce our environmental footprint and offset emissions that we can’t reduce. Everyone on this team really is an environmental champion.” 


Want to learn more about our sustainability goals, the Green Team’s progress and plans, and how this all fits in with our other services and tools? Send us a message today!

About Impetus Digital

Impetus Digital partners with life science organizations to virtualize their in-person meetings and events through our best-in-class InSite Touchpoints™ and InSite Events™ offerings, delivered with white-glove service and 360° coverage and care. Leveraging our large portfolio of cutting-edge online collaboration tools, clients can seamlessly gather insights from, and collaborate with, internal and external stakeholders. To find out more about Impetus Digital, visit our website, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook, or book a demo at
